Beaujolais tasting at “Le Bistrot du sommelier”
in EventsBeaujolais tasting at “Le Bistrot du sommelier”
Calla Lily/Citibank Private Banking
in Events24 June 2023Calla Lily/Citibank Private BankingWine and Cheese evening
CabaRed:A night with the New Opera Singapore
in Events17 June 2023 – CabaRed:A night with the New Opera Singapore
For the Sake of Saké – 日本酒
in Events18th March 2023 ture, Saké has become synonymous of fine dining in many Michelin star restaurants around the world. Join us in this Saké for beginners’ voyage to open your senses to a world of refinement and subtlety. Explore the 4 simple ingredients: Rice, Water, Yeasts and Koji, immerse yourself into the delicate and fascinating…